

IN2EuroBuild - Einheitliche europäische Richtlinie für Innendämmung von Bestandsgebäuden und Baudenkmälern

IN2EuroBuild - Consistent European Guideline for Internal Insulation of Building Stock and Heritage


  • Status: Abgeschlossen
  • Institut: Institut für Bauklimatik
  • Projektleitung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. John Grunewald
  • Bearbeitung: Heike Sonntag
  • Finanzierungstyp: nichtwirt.
  • Fördermittelgeber: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi)
  • Programm: Collective Research Networking (CORNET)
  • Förderkennzeichen: IGF-Nr. 247 EBG / 1
  • Zeitraum: 01.05.2019 - 30.04.2021


  • Baukonstruktion
    • Bauteilmonitoring
    • Durchströmung von Bauteilen
    • Luftdichtigkeit der Baukonstruktion
  • Baumaterialien
    • Bauteilsimulation
    • Dauerhaftigkeit und Schadensvermeidung
    • Frostschädigungen
    • Hygrothermische Materialeigenschaften
    • Schimmel und Algen
    • Trocknungsverhalten
  • Planungswerkzeuge
    • Modellierung
    • Numerische Verfahren
    • Simulation


Insulating existing buildings is an important step to reduce the energy demand of the existing building stock. For some buildings, internal insulation is the only solution to thermally improve their walls, e.g. for buildings with a worth-preserving façade or no expansion possibilities. This insulation technique needs to be executed with care, as it can increase the risks of hygrothermal problems such as internal condensation, mold grow or frost damage. Despite the numerous research projects on this topic and different solutions to cope with the problems, the technique isn’t applied very often compared to its large potential, mainly because the link towards the practice has insufficiently been made. Clear, simple and all-inclusive guidelines on the level of building practitioners are the missing link towards a reliable and large-scale application of internal insulation, which is the main goal of this IN2EuroBuild project (Consistent European Guidelines for Internal Insulation of Building Stock and Heritage). These guidelines will contain the clear evaluation of the existing building and the design of the insulation system and construction details. They will be constituted by a profound consolidation of existing data and in-depth research on the remaining questions.


  • Belgian Building Research Institute
  • Fraunhofer - Institut für Bauphysik
  • Trägerverein Institut für Holztechnologie Dresden e.V


BUILDING EVALUATION: Inspection of the building’s moisture condition, development of simplified on-site tests, characterisation of wall types and external layers. INSULATION SYSTEM DESIGN: Characteristics of capillary active insulation materials, characterisation of hybrid systems, extended classification of internal insulation systems, limit moisture content of wooden and natural fibre insulation materials, review and update of the hygrothermal simulation procedure, simplified design rules and diagrams, smart monitoring system. CONSTRUCTION DETAILS: Durability of wooden beams, best practice solutions for construction details. DISSEMINATION: Compilation of results into a guide for internal wall insulation, publications, workshops, seminars and trainings. COORDINATION: Monitoring project progress, monitoring the projects risks, timely submission of reports and deliverables, ensuring a constant and coherent communication flow and the distribution of documents/information among the consortium, organization and supervision of the project consortium and SME user committee meetings on regional, national and transnational levels.





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